Σάββατο 7 Οκτωβρίου 2023

Οι Trve Sagacity στο Museum Of Past Affections : Interview In English


  1. Hello and welcome to Museum Of Past Affections , thank you for the interview. To the readers who may be unfamiliar with Trve Sagacity would you care to give us some informations about the conception and realization of the project?

 Of course, I started Trve Sagacity in September 2022 after being inspired by bands such as Darkthrone, Burzum, Mayhem, Venom and Iselder. I started messing around with it on GarageBand making riff ideas and melodies, and after giving it some thought, i figured i liked some of the riff ideas I made and tried to get more professional - and so I began working the songs up in a DAW, and next month I made my first decent song titled ‘Footsteps of Winter’. Then over the months I worked on more songs until on February I released my EP ‘For the Great Fall of Time’.

    2. You are only 15 years old  and you do all the work alone, from what age are you playing music?

 I began playing drums at age 11 on a cheap Bargain store toy drum set, but within a few months, my parents bought me an electric kit, then I came to get a full acoustic kit. I come from a musical family, so there is always instruments lying around. I started playing the keyboard not too long after the drums and guitar only the last few years. Drums is my main instrument.

    3. So you have released  3 singles and 1 EP so far , are you planning to make a full length album in the future?

Yep, I have a full length album set to release in only 30 days from now - Halloween. It’s titled ‘The Red Book of Hergest’ and it will contain the three released singles and four added new songs. Each song tells an ancient Welsh tale.

    4. Are you having and other music influences besides metal bands in your music?

I do. I definitely have many influences beyond black metal. Huge fan of old school thrash metal (Whiplash, Exodus, Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax) but I also love NWOBHM (Iron Maiden, Saxon, Judas Priest) and some death (Possessed, Death, Cannibal Corpse, Vomitory). In my playing in general, there’s influences of prog and classic rock (The Police, Rush, Genesis, AC/DC).

    5. Where are you watching Trve Sagacity in five years from now?

 I would like this project to stick around for a bit, release some stuff and get some attention and a kvlt following, I would also like some live shows, maybe hire some people for guitar, drums and stuff. It would be nice to be playing on the festival circuit, but I’m not sure if this will be my only project. I wouldn’t mind also being in a more collaborative band, doing music with others.

    6. Thank you for the time... I leave the last words up to you

Thanks for interviewing me, it’s always nice to chat about music. Hope your readers will check out some of my stuff, and subscribe to my YouTube etc. Thanks again. Stay trve and stay metal!!! True Welsh black metal!!

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