Πέμπτη 14 Μαρτίου 2024

Οι Plastic Skanksters στο Museum Of Past Affections : Interview In English


1. Hello , we are so glad to have you at the Museum Of Past Affections, how are you? First of all we would like a small introduction about Plastic Skankster for those who may not know the band.

First of all, thank you for your interest in our band. We are from the harbor-city of Kiel on the Baltic Sea located in northern Germany. It's similar to Thessaloniki with ferries, universities, administrative centers and so on. At the end of 1991, some musicians decided to play ska instead of punk. In the 90ties there was a small wave for this kind of music and the band became a little popular. We love our music and so our story will go on and on, now for more than 30 years.

2. What musical genres or artists have influenced your sound the most ?

In the beginning our sound was very rough with punk-attitude. Later we created our own style and called it Full Range Ska. Full Range means many influences like traditional, folk, blue beat and even rock.

3. What’s the story behind your bands name ?

The name points to our basics, ska. If you dance the ska, you are a skankster and sometimes it's very plastic to see it and feel it.

4. How has your music evolved since you first started as a band ?

We are up to 10 musicians on stage and fluctuation of members is very high over the years. Everybody sets his own spirit into the band, so it continues to evolve.5. Are there any memorable or funny story from your time performing together ?

5. Are there any memorable or funny story from your time performing together ?

Several years ago we took part of a song competition. The song we sent, was classified there as German Schlager ( if you know what it is?), but it wasn't! Anyway, we reached second place and won a studio recording with a famous german Schlager-Producer. He did his job and arranged our nice song, as a clap-along with digital drums, brass etc. it was awful….,but published.

6. On March 15 2024, Plastic Skankster will be in Thessaloniki for a live show. What do you expect from this and what should Greek Fans expect from the band ?

I expect a cultural and musical exchange. We will take these impressions back home and would like to incorporate them. In Germany we played the last years again with Koza Mostra, this was very enriching and that's how the connection came about Thessaloniki. Thanks to Ilias! So the audience, will expect typical songs from us for dancing, drinking and listening. I brushed up my greek and will perform one song with greek lyrics, the other songs are mostly in english, but also in german language.

7. Can you highlight me some of your favorite songs to perform and why they stand out for you ?

One song that stands for what we are is “Old, fat and useless”, it's about elderly people in our society and how they are perceived. Look at us, we are elderly now….Another one is “Licht an! ( lights on)” it's a statement against fascism & stupidity and a call for love & unity. If you are public, you can't be silent.

8. How do you approach the songwriting process as a band ?

If someone has an idea, he introduces it and the others give their own suggestions and so it evolves. I am responsible for lyrics and the vocal melody. Sometimes someone presents a finished song.

9. Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations that your fans can look forward to?

Except gigging in Germany, we want to join the studio this year with new material. And I hope we can welcome Koza Mostra back in Kiel soon.

10. We would like to thank you again for the honor to do this interview for Museum Of Past Affections, we wish you all the best!!!

Thank you very much, we are very happy and deeply touched to be here and also big up to the german consulate Thessaloniki for supporting us.

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