
Πέμπτη 3 Αυγούστου 2023

Οι OVERHATE στο Museum Of Past Affections : Interview In English


1. Hello OVERHATE and welcome! It seems that a new South American extreme metal scene has been shaped over the last few years? What is your view from the inside? What is the metal scene like in your homeland? 

Hello, and thank you for this interview. What seems to me is that it just grew bigger, which is great. In Venezuela the story is different, but let’s say that the reasons are also different. It is good to think that there is a lot of metal in my area. In our homeland people are now doing stuff to keep it alive, which is actually pretty cool, and you can still go and do your thing and play for people. 

2. Why did you choose to add a lot of groove metal in your music instead of just keeping it to old school death/thrash?

It actually happened naturally. There are though a lot of killer songs in the record, but the groove stuff just happened naturally. I think it gives hooks to the song you are crafting, and overall the feeling is great. 

3. You've been around for 20 years with OVERHATE. In this time you have released 3 albums. What are the differences between those albums?

The first one (God in a trench) was kind of hungry and experimental, we were a young band and wanted to mix EVERYTHING we had in that record. The second one ‘Relentless is our Strength’ has a more defined direction, but again, it also has a of everything we wanted to give. The last one is very genre defining, I guess that record has it all, and it’s a lot more mature than the previous one. It took a lot to make, and it shows.

4. Your latest album New Beginnings Are Met was released in 2020. Did it receive the praise you expected it to?

I think that it did. Just that it came out in a very different time than the other two records did, so I guess now it’s not as present as it was let’s say in the 9 years gap our last two records had. When the new came out in every streaming platform, we kind of used some of the tools at hand, because it was first released through our last label, Wolf Entertainment. We parted with that label and re-released or records independently and yes, you still have your fan base there, but then you realize that it is very different now.

5. Do you receive a fair amount of support from fans and media in your country? What about the rest of the world? 

Yes, we did our press for the last record and it was ok. The rest of the world is always a work in progress. The more the merrier, That’s the job.

6. Who writes the band's music and lyrics? What are the basic influences and themes respectively?

Usually I do the demos and with the DAW you got the benefit of envisioning the song the way you wanted to without getting to go to a studio and jam it. Do I’ll always prefer that. We use the demos and if there is stuff to be changed / added we work it like that. Again, not the same like the when we wrote our second record.

7. Technically speaking, which are your favorite amps, pedals and music instruments?

Now there are a lot of plugins that do the job very well. I kind of change it a lot but when do use pedals there are the DOD’s to step in and do it. I use an OD-1 for the solos and a Wah pedal of course. I have tremolo and Delay, and of course a good distortion. But then I also use a Eleven rack still and like I said there are some plugins too. Now the options are very wide with technology and that is just amazing.

8. Are there decent studios and live venues in your area or is it something you have to travel for?

Yeah there are, but for studios lately we use them only for drums and vocals.

9. What is your opinion on the internet, social media and their effect on today’s music industry and music?

I have said before a lot and I’ll say it again, it is really good to have your music available just with a few clicks, but then is a whole new game and you need to understand it. It’s harder to find people that will pay for your music if they already have it available, so you may then need to be touring a lot in order to gain a strong following and that is very hard to make it happen too, due to costing and the stuff. 

10. When do you plan to enter the studio again, what do you have in mind for your next full length release and when is it expected to be out?

We are now making new music. We will release a left over track from the ‘New Beginnings are Met’ sessions. That tracks is the longest we’ve done so far and it has a lot of different elements, but then NBAM is a very long record so it didn’t make sense to release like that. Then during the pandemic we did write the new record, which will be recorded and released next year. At the moment we are trying to make some tours happen, so you’ll be posted.

11. Thank you for the interview. Good luck with OVERHATE. Last words are yours to promote the band and please don't forget to give the band’s contact and orders info!

Thank to you for the interview and thanks to everyone who listens to this type of music!

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